If you go for a hike this fall, you will see signs like this one:
What does this mean? Is hunting going on right now? What kind of hunting? Well, we have answers!
What kind of hunting is going on?
This is bow hunting for deer. No rifle or other gun hunting is allowed.
Why do you allow hunting?
The deer population is very high in this area, which causes issues such as over-browsing on native plant species, damage to residents' lawns and gardens, and diseases such as Lyme. The original intention of the hunting was to reduce this population. Unfortunately it has had limited success over the years.
Who is hunting?
A select group of hunters who have hunted the hill for many years, some for more than 30 years.
Can I hunt on the hill?
No, only the existing group has permission. We have no plans to expand the group.
When is the hunting happening?
The season runs from September 14th until January 5th. Hunters may be on the hill at any time during the day.
Can we still use the trails during this time?
Yes, but just be aware that there may be hunters in the area. We suggest you wear bright clothing, and make sure any dogs are on leash (as they should always be).
Will this happen every fall?
This is likely the last season we will allow general bow hunting on the hill. As mentioned in a previous answer, there has been limited effect on the deer population. Also, with the increased trail use, hunting becomes less practical since the deer get spooked more frequently. After this season we have asked that all deer stands and equipment be removed.
In future years we may do a limited short-term hunt (1-2 weeks), but would close the trails during that period to make for a more successful hunt.
If you have any other questions about the hunt, message us or call 608-432-5799